A long-coming spring
Ice is out on Lake Simcoe, and real spring just might be here. It was a long winter and what do I have to show for it?
I’m preparing to publish The Tale of Indigo, a mythic poem about climate change.
I’m enjoying the hunt for a literary agent, submitting Ardis A Life on Water to another literary agent every week or two… and dreaming of an agent actually wanting to read it.
Thankfully, my work wasn’t accepted the first or tenth or twentieth time. I have kept at it and I am happy to say that the additional time and effort have made a welcome difference in the quality of my writing and of the story overall.I am working on a first draft of a second novel, Ardis Dancing with Spirits, which is set in Brazil.
Meantime, I am continuing to prepare Ardis A Life on Water for publication. Aidan is reading it and giving me great ideas for improvement. His ideas and interest spark my own and grant us a father-son experience no less rewarding than a fly-in fishing trip, for example. Ha! It’s been great.
The next steps are proofreading, cover design, and text layout, for which I will hire the pros.
Thanks for visiting!