Kemp’s Ridley, by Barbara Paleczny
Paintings by
Barbara Paleczny
The ebook version of The Tale of Indigo features fifteen paintings by Barbara Paleczny. Her paintings are on the front and back covers of the print version as well as on the front cover of the ebook version.
As you can see, Barb’s paintings depict the destruction of climate change, from flooding and landslides to hurricanes and wildfires, that grip our world today and are key aspects of the story in The Tale of Indigo.
With Betty-Anne Field, Barb also contributed to the painting of the Water Dog (also known as the Cão de Agua, in Portuguese). Barb and Betty-Anne are my sisters; two out of four!
The Water Dog, by Betty-Anne Field and Barbara Paleczny
The Tale of Indigo, cover painting by Barbara Paleczny
Night Sky, back cover painting by Barbara Paleczny
Barbara Paleczny is a School Sister of Notre Dame. She lived in South Sudan for twelve years. To see more of Barb’s art and learn about her activities, see The Art of Living *Peacefully*